Upcoming Changes for Centers!
It was announced in December that Illinois will introduce a new classroom assessment tool in child care centers participating in ExceleRate Illinois. The Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale- 3rd Edition (ITERS-3) will replace the Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale-Revised Edition (ITERS-R) to assess classrooms where most children are birth to 36 months old. ITERS-3 is like the other ERS tools in format and method of scoring; however, the scale authors have made some important enhancements, including:
- Greater focus on intentional teaching and interactions with children as they use materials.
- Based entirely on the 3-hour observation; no longer includes a teacher interview.
- Accessibility looks at access to materials based on the abilities of young infants, older non-mobile infants, and mobile children; no longer includes “Much of the Day”.
- Provisions for relaxation and comfort included in Space and furnishings subscale.
- Interaction and Language and Books subscales expanded to include 6 items.
- Provisions for children with disabilities incorporated into other items.
To familiarize yourself with some of the key differences between ITERS-R and ITERS-3, please review.
Assessment in classrooms with children birth to 36 months of age scheduled for January 1, 2026, and beyond will include ITERS-3.
Important timeframes and details have been outlined in email communication that current ExceleRate Bronze, Silver, and Gold centers have already received. Please see the Current ExceleRate Centers section below.
Licensed child care centers that are currently at the Licensed Circle of Quality and do not hold a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Circle of Quality also have timeframes to be aware of. Please see the Licensed Circle of Quality Center section below.
Current ExceleRate Centers (Assessment Path)
Email communication with additional ITERS-3 details was sent to Bronze, Silver, and Gold (Assessment Path) licensed child care center contacts on 1/29/25.
Email communication with additional ITERS-3 details was sent to Silver and Gold Head Start Path program contacts on 1/29/25.
Current ExceleRate center contacts, please continue to watch your email for updates on the transition over the next several months!
Licensed Circle of Quality Centers
*Centers who do not hold a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Circle of Quality*
Licensed Child Care Centers may apply for a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Circle of Quality at any time (once meeting initial eligibility requirements). However, if choosing to apply through the Assessment Path, there are important timeframes to be aware of due to the transition to ITERS-3.
Please carefully review these important details for information relevant to the ITERS-3 transition when applying through the Assessment Path.
Centers Assessment Path - New Programs