Resources by Standard
Click on the standard below to see specific resources associated with each standard for licensed family child care programs.
1. Teaching & Learning
1A. Learning Environment
1B. Safe and Healthy Environment
1C. Interactions
1D. Curriculum and Child Assessment
1E. Child Screening
1F. Inclusion of Children with Special Needs
1G. Linguistically and Culturally Appropriate Practice
2. Family & Community Engagement
2A. Family Provider Communication and Collaboration
2B. Connecting and Supporting Families
2C. Transitions
3. Leadership & Management
3A. Business Administration
3B. Group Size and Staff/Child Ratios
3C. Continuous Quality Improvement
4. Qualifications & Continuing Education
4A. FCC Provider Qualifications
4B. FCC Assistant and Substitute Qualifications
4C. FCC Provider Support
4D. Ongoing Professional Development