Brief Overview of Standard: Helping families navigate transitions also provides meaningful support to children so that they can continue to succeed as they progress in their learning, growth and development
Informational Resources
Early Childhood Transition Worksheet
This worksheet may serve as a guide for disabilities coordinators when planning transitions with early intervention staff, preschool special education teams and parents. This tool lists the IDEA transition requirements and key infrastructure components in chart format. It can be used as a planning tool and discussion guide for identifying factors contributing to non-compliance and effective practices.
Family Engagement in Transitions: Transition to Kindergarten
Transition to Kindergarten: Policy Connections at a Glance
This resource discusses the role of parents in their child’s transition to a new learning environment, in particular, this article focuses on transitioning to kindergarten.
Foundations of Transitions for Young Children
Most families of young children use and move between different types of early childhood services -- like Head Start, private child care, public preschool, or kindergarten. Moving between and among these various programs is often referred to as ’transition’.” This 8-minute video provides an overview of the desirable outcomes of transition, research identifying effective transition practices, as well as the legal requirements of early childhood transition.
Four Important Things to Know About the Transition to School PDF
The Harvard Family Research Project created a report that highlights four important things research tells us about the transition to school.