Brief Overview of Standard: High-quality programs are directed by administrators who have the formal education and professional preparedness to manage the program and lead all staff in providing the most up-to-date practices for educational development.

Please Note in reference to ExceleRate Standard 4A for licensed child care centers:
The administrator must hold the applicable Gateways Illinois Director Credential, or have a pending application on file. If not meeting the applicable Credential, the program may write a CQIP (using the letter received from the Credential Department) to outline goals and action steps, coursework & training to accomplish towards the applicable Credential. Updated CQIP of accomplishments towards Credential attainment will be required each year and progress must be shown.

Informational Resources

pdf ExceleRate Illinois and Gateways to Opportunity Credentials Frequently Asked Questions (500 KB)
ExceleRate Illinois has set standards for staff and director qualifications at each Circle of Quality that require staff to have Gateways to Opportunity Credentials. Use this FAQ to navigate and understand the use of Gateways Credentials throughout ExceleRate.

Gateways to Opportunity Illinois Director Credential
The Illinois Director Credential (IDC), awarded through Gateways to Opportunity, validates the education, knowledge, and experience of early childhood/school-age education administrators. The IDC is recognized by the State of Illinois and is also recognized as the statewide standard of management and leadership capabilities by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). By achieving the IDC, the administrator is enhancing his or her commitment to positive social, emotional, cognitive, and physical outcomes for children.

Gateways Illinois Director Credential Levels I-III meet the following ExceleRate Illinois training requirements (across all circles of quality):

  • Finding a Curriculum that Works for You
  • Introduction to Developmental Screening Tools
  • Fundamentals of Child Assessment
  • Welcoming Each & Every Child
  • Family and Community: Partners in Learning
  • An Introduction to Transitions
  • Understanding and Planning for Continuous Quality Improvement
  • Basics of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Practice
  • Creating Individual Professional Development Plans

Director's Credential Toolkit
This document helps directors and applicants answer questions that are sure to arise during the credential process. From support through the Gateways Credential process to motivating others, this resource has information for anyone going through or helping others through the Credential process.

Gateways ECE Credential levels 3-5, Infant Toddler Credential levels 3-5, Illinois Director Credential I-III, and the Family Child Care Credential levels 4-5 meet the following ExceleRate Illinois training requirements (across all circles of quality):

  • Finding a Curriculum that Works for You
  • Introduction to Developmental Screening Tools
  • Fundamentals of Child Assessment
  • Welcoming Each & Every Child
  • Family and Community: Partners in Learning
  • An Introduction to Transitions
  • Understanding and Planning for Continuous Quality Improvement
  • Basics of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Practice
  • Creating Individual Professional Development Plans

Gateways Family Child Care Credential level 3 meets the following ExceleRate Illinois training requirements (across all circles of quality):

  • Finding a Curriculum that Works for You

The Director’s Toolbox—A Management Series for Early Childhood Administrators
Everbloom Learning
Written in a concise format, each book provides a theoretical overview on a focused topic, numerous examples from the day-to-day world of early childhood administration, exercises, checklists, and suggested resources. Perfect as a self-paced guide for the busy director eager to learn practical suggestions for improving administrative effectiveness or as a training tool for workshop presenters. For purchase.

Early Childhood Administrator Leadership Training
Leadership training (in cohort format) may be available for Illinois early childhood administrators through the McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. Training audience and availability may vary each year.