Brief Overview of Standard: Staff that work with children are also expected to have appropriate education and professional training (in their assigned age groups) to engage with children and families.
Please Note in reference to ExceleRate Standard 4B for licensed child care:
Teaching staff must hold the applicable Gateways ECE or IT Credential, or have a pending application on file. If not meeting the applicable Credential, the program administrator/staff may write a CQIP to outline goals, action steps, and specific coursework/training the individual can accomplish over the year to work towards the applicable Credential. The program administrator/staff should use the letter each individual received from the Credential Department to guide CQIP development in what coursework/training is needed. Updated CQIP of accomplishments towards Credential attainment will be required at the annual report and progress must be shown.
Informational Resources
ExceleRate Illinois and Gateways to Opportunity Credentials Frequently Asked Questions
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ExceleRate Illinois has set standards for staff and director qualifications at each Circle of Quality that require staff to have Gateways to Opportunity Credentials. Use this FAQ to navigate and understand the use of Gateways Credentials throughout ExceleRate.
Gateways to Opportunity ECE Credential
The ECE Credential, awarded through Gateways to Opportunity and recognized by the State of Illinois, defines what a practitioner working with children birth to age 8 should know and be able to demonstrate at various levels of training, education, and experience.
Gateways to Opportunity Infant Toddler Credential
The Infant Toddler Credential (ITC), awarded through Gateways to Opportunity and recognized by the state of Illinois, validates the specialized knowledge, skills, and experience needed to work with children birth to age 3. Practitioners applying for the ITC must also meet the requirements to attain the Gateways ECE Credential. For ExceleRate Illinois, ITC requirement pertains to teachers in classrooms serving children Birth up to 23 months.
ExceleRate Illinois Training Bundles for Credential Credit
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There are a variety of trainings that Administrators and teaching staff are required to complete for ExceleRate Illinois. This flyer includes the related and required trainings that have been bundled together to count towards designated Gateways Credentials. When the outlined combination of trainings is completed, points (as noted) may be applied toward an applicant’s Gateways Credential. Most of these trainings are available at
Credential Applicant Flowchart
This document outlines the Gateways Credential process, from figuring out which credential to apply for to receiving your credential.