Specific Tools
Business Administration Scale (BAS) 2nd Edition
The Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care (BAS) is the first valid and reliable instrument for measuring and improving the overall quality of business and professional practices in family child care settings in 10 areas: Qualifications and Professional Development, Income and Benefits, Work Environment, Fiscal Management, Recordkeeping, Risk Management, Provider-Family Communication, Family Support and Engagement, Marketing and Community Relations, and Provider as Employer. The BAS is designed to complement the widely used Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale–Revised (FCCERS-R). When used together, they provide a comprehensive picture of the quality of the family child care learning environment and the business practices that support the program.
Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care (BAS) (2nd edition)
The documentation list at the link below was compiled to help home providers prepare for a Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care (BAS) visit.